At Konetes Painting we specialize in bringing expert workmanship to every home we paint. Whether it is an apartment, suburban house, or a landed estate, we want your home to look good, and we want the work to be done right.
We are happy to review any project and provide you with an estimate free of charge. There is no job that is too big or too small. We always strive to give competitive bids without sacrificing quality or workmanship. Here are a few examples of interior and exterior residential work that we do:
Interior Residential Painting
- Clear Coating and Staining
- Texture Coating
- Ceiling Textures
- Garage Floor Coatings
- Sanding
- Baseboards, Crown moldings
- Basements
- Kitchens, cabinets
- Steps, Hand railings
- Laundry rooms
- Family rooms, play rooms
- Bedrooms
- Bathrooms
- Living rooms, Dining rooms
- Offices
- Walls, ceilings, doors
Exterior Residential Painting
- Brick
- Clean and Seal Decks
- Doors
- Eaves
- French doors
- Garage doors and carports
- Gates
- Patios, pagodas, decks
- Playhouses
- Power Washing
- Railings
- Shutters
- Stucco
- Window
- Wood siding
Call today for a free estimate 412-916-0814